You might have a few artistic ideas when it comes to designing and decorating your bedroom space, but there are a few colors that you should be avoiding because they can do some damage to "the vibe" of the room (as seen on Reader's Digest).
- Black (or any really dark color, for that matter) - I (Shan) begged my parents for a black wall growing up, and they reluctantly gave-in when they painted my room for a birthday gift. Looking back, I understand why they didn't want to do it. Black creates a weird visual and makes the room seem smaller than it actually is. Not to mention, the darkness will make it harder for you to wake up in the morning, as well as put you in a bad mood if you're surrounded by it constantly.
- Neon - I had a lot of friends growing up that loved these bright colors; however, designers suggest that the vibrant neon colors will make it super hard to relax - especially at night.
- Yellow - This is another stimulating color that will make it harder to relax and calm down at night.
- Red - Being around red doesn't only stimulate you, but it can have a negative effect on your energy, creating an agitated feeling.
- Orange - Once's bright. It's hard to fall asleep to.
- Dark Brown - It'll put you in a bad mood because it provides a sense of "doom & gloom."
Obviously, you know yourself better when it comes to colors, so if you really want a neon room and don't think it'll affect you, go for it. I will stick to my neutral tones...mainly because I rent and can't paint anything anyways...