Sports Illustrated just named Madison, Wisconsin the best college football town/city in the United States.
Tell us something we don't already know?! From the tailgating to Jump Around there's noting quite like a Badgers gameday.
Sports Illustrated went on to say a lot of great things about our awesome city in what sounds to me like a Tim Allen Pure Michigan ad:
“Nestled around Lakes Mendota and Monona, Madison is about as picturesque as it gets, and the Terrace at Memorial Union on campus at the University of Wisconsin might be the most delightful spot in the Midwest—at least four months out of the year. And when it’s too cold to take advantage of the lakes, Madison offers a great food and bar scene—drink Spotted Cow while you’re within the Wisconsin state lines—plus, it’s worthwhile to freeze for a late-season football game here.”
Here's the full Top 10, according to Sports Illustrated:
1) Madison, Wisconsin
2) Athens, Georgia
3) Austin, Texas
4) Ann Arbor, Michigan
5) Columbia, Missouri
6) Boulder, Colorado
7) Oxford, Mississippi
8) Knoxville, Tennessee
9) College Station, Texas
10) Charlottesville, Virginia