You're Loading Your Dishwasher Incorrectly

I get in this debate ALL of the time: do plates face in or out? Can they face both directions? Are forks and knives supposed to go up and down?

It's like the toilet paper debate - everyone has they're own opinion. According to this new article from Reader's Digest, there are actual "correct ways" to load your dishwasher, so let's settle the debate once and for all:

  • Don't fully rinse before putting everything into the dishwasher. - You don't need to pre-rinse because your dishwasher detergent's doing all of that for you. Just get the big pieces off (unless it's going to be a few days before your dishwasher runs...then rinse it!)
  • Make sure your water is hot enough! - Apparently, dishwashers do their best work at 120 degrees (who woulda thunk?).
  • Don't load dishes on the top rack! - Dishes should always go on the bottom rack. Don't cram everything in to fit.
  • Use PODS for your detergent! - No, of course, don't eat them. We don't need that craze going around again. The pods perform better because they have the exact amount of liquid and powder detergent that you need.
  • Don't face your dishware pieces in the same direction! - Bowls go on the top rack. The ones in the back should face forward. The ones towards the front should face the back. Plates, however, will clean best if they all face the center.
  • Don't load glasses or mugs on the bottom rack! - The top rack is specifically designed to clean glasses and cups so water can reach inside of them.
  • Mix your silverware! - Don't place forks, knives and spoons in their own compartments. The water works better bouncing off of each shape, so putting all of the utensils together in a mix is best!

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