First Responder Friday: Ludwig Family

This weeks First Responder was nominated by Dennis Kaebish of Muskego. Here's what he had to say about the Ludwig family:

"I would like to nominate the whole Ludwig family who has for years volunteered their time to the City of Muskego. The majority of the family has or still is serving Muskego residents. From Louis, Ted, Tom, John, Steve, Michael, Cory, Cody - 4 generations have stepped up and helped out. Tom was just awarded 55 years last week. Louis, Tom and John all have served as past Chiefs of the Muskego Fire Company, with John being the current Chief of the Big Bend Fire Department. And a special thanks to Tom ( the owner of Ludwigs cabinet shop) for letting some many other firefighters leave his place of employment to help others in need over the years. "

Thanks for all you do, Ludwigs!

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