Moms Of Little Boys Will Love This Potty Training Tool!

If you've ever had to potty train a toddler you know how trying it can be. Whether your little one is a boy or a girl there are messes that come with the learning process. But parents with littles boys may have it a bit worse. Even when you get them to go in the potty,there comes the extra element of "aiming."

But there’s a new potty training tool that could help them hit the mark more and moms of boys will probably be big fans of The Toddler Target. It’s a battery-operated light with a motion sensor that attaches to the inside lid of the toilet seat and projects a light target for little ones to aim at while they’re learning.

The Toddler Target is a way to make potty time a game so to speak and boost a little guy's confidence. However mini-men aren't the only ones who could use it. There's also a built in nightlight option that can be helpful to anyone up in the middle of the night.

Image Credit: The Toddler Target

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