Last week (July 23rd) for Women Crushing It Wednesday, Jen Puente & Kristi Chuckel, who work in the Communications & Marketing Department at the Wisconsin State Fair, stopped by to talk about what's going on this year at the Fair!
I think my favorite part was when Jen talked about the deep fried french onion soup ... I'M SO INTRIGUED TO TRY IT NOW!!!
We also talked about the misconceptions of having a job like their's, and how hard they work doing just about everything when it comes to the fair. They are 2 extremely hard working ladies who are a ton of fun, and I love them for it!
Don't forget to stop by our set up and say hello! I'll be there every day broadcasting live (we'll be behind the creme puff pavilion, across from the ejection seat) every day 3-7pm. And of course we'll be at Montgomery Gentry, Cole Swindell & Michael Ray, and Reba!