Save Money On Your Energy Bill During Quarantine

Adam and I were shook when we got our energy bill last month. It was more than $160 which may not seem like a lot to some people, but it's double what we're used to paying for our apartment! Why? Why did it go up so much? Well, mix in Christmas and both of us being home a little bit more...apparently, we're not the only ones going through increased utility bills! In fact, Apartment Life came out with a few tips on how to keep those bills down while quarantining!

  • Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs (they use about 80% less energy and can help you save around $45 a year)
  • Install Smarter Switches (like motion sensors that will only turn on lights when you're in the room)
  • Invest in energy-saving appliances
  • Do your chores at night because some power companies up-charge for day-use (ie - laundry, vacuum, etc...)
  • Clean out filters, vents and furnaces to make your appliances efficient!
  • Take care of your fridge by cleaning coils
  • Unplug electronics you're not using
  • Turn your water heater down
  • Use heat or a/c only in the rooms you're in
  • Maybe try calling your power company. They'll tell you exactly what you're using your energy on!

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