BYEEE Procrastination! Tips on How to Level-Up Your Productivity

Procrastination is a problem for most...especially Ridder and Scott (ok, not really. Shan's just the one typing this blog). However, I think we can all use a few more tips on how to be productive, and that's exactly what Real Simple is providing for us. We read through the full list which you can get here, but these (at least in our opinions) were the most stand-outish:

  • Start with the toughest task first (finishing the most important item on a to-do-list frees up mental energy that you would probably be dreading)
  • Get outside or open those curtains! You should be getting some sun because your body will respond better (in other words, you'll be more energized and just happier in general)
  • Compliment someone. When you smile yourself or when you watch someone else smile, the expression can trigger your brain to release dopamine which will kick your productivity into high gear!
  • Get more sleep. Don't deprive yourself! You need to get a consistent, decent amount of sleep. Eight hours is usually the minimum.
  • Schedule blocks to check your emails instead of looking at them throughout the day. This is a major distraction.

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