Stay Cool During Hot Days with These Tips

It might seem naive to do a blog post on this topic, but The Healthy had some pretty good ideas that we haven't thought of to stay cooler during those really hot days! And in Wisconsin, if we're not complaining about the cold, we're complaining about the heat - #amiright? are a few tips other than just drinking a ton of water to keep yourself from overheating:

  • Make sure to get your A/C checked out...this can help save on your energy bills, too!
  • Keep your feet dry and cool! Don't wear socks when you don't have to!
  • Hydrate - obvi. Stay away from beer, booze and sugary things like juice and soda. Otherwise, double up on that water!
  • Work out early or late in order to avoid those heat-heavy hours in the afternoon
  • Sweating a lot during your workouts? Invest in a sprayer bottle to help the sweat evaporate
  • Eat "cooling" foods, such as mint and watermelon

For the full list and all of the explanations - click here! We'll also add the: find a friend who has a pool!

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