These "Essential" Businesses Are Allowed to Operate

Governor Tony Evers issued a "Safer at Home" Order and some are confused as to what that means.

He released a statement on Monday basically saying that you'll still be able to go outside to get some fresh are, but limit your travel to essential things - such as going to the doctor's or grabbing groceries.

Here is a list of businesses that are allowed to operate:

  • Health care - including home health workers
  • Critical infrastructure
  • Businesses that provide food, shelter and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged
  • Fresh and non-perishable food retailers (aka - grocery stores and food banks)
  • Businesses that ship or deliver groceries
  • Pharmacies, health care supply stores and facilities
  • Child care (however, there are some limitations)
  • Gas stations and auto repair facilities
  • Banks
  • Laundry facilities (necessary for maintaining safety and keeping sanitary)
  • Hardware stores, plumbers and electricians
  • Educational institutions for distance learning
  • Roles required for basic operations, such as security and payroll
  • Law and safety, and essential government functions

There are some things that aren't included in this list, but this is the general concept. Does your company need to know if it's essential? Contact Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation here.

List taken from WMTV in Madison (click here for more)

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