Are You A Milwaukee Transplant? Cool Event to Attend!

We've learned over the past few years how many transplant listeners we actually have. Whether coming from Texas, Pennsylvania, Illinois or wherever - we understand how hard it is to meet new people, especially when you're not moving because of schooling or something that automatically puts you in a social situation.

With that being said, our friends at NEWaukee are doing something really cool: Milwaukee's Welcome Party. It's a new series that aims to welcome people new to the city, introducing them to local businesses while hopefully people.

The first event will be at Spaces (1433 N Water Street in Milwaukee) on September 26th. According to one of the co-founders of NEWaukee (Jeremy Fojut), we have a lot of people who live in Milwaukee who are FROM the area, so it's hard for others to dive in and enter social groups.

These welcome parties are free, includes food and drink samples form local restaurants (talk about finding your hot spots!), vendors, live music and more!

Apparently, there are about 500 people registered for the September event. Fojut mentioned in Biz Times that he wants to have an event like this at least twice a year. Click here to register!

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