First Responder Friday: Timothy Marquardt

This week's "First Responder Friday" was nominated by Nancy J from Racine. Here's what she had to say about Timothy Marquardt:

"Tim (TJ) has grown to be a very honorable man, and a nephew I am so blessed to call mine!  When he was 12, his only sibling (Kyle - 15) was killed in a car accident.  TJ's mom and dad were the first responders to that car accident to find Kyle who was pronounced dead at the hospital.  That did not stop TJ from following in his mom and dad's footsteps, as he joined the Batavia vol. fire dept.  On June 27, 2012, TJ and his mom experienced another horrific loss when they found TJ's dad at home after he tragically took his own life.  TJ pressed forward and today continues to use these life experiences to bless others  in their times of fear and tragedy.  He is currently a paramedic in Sheb County, and a first responder/firefighter with Belgium Fire Dept.  He is "paying it forward" selflessly everday!"

Thank you for all you do, Timothy Marquardt!

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