Nike Is Releasing 'Fanny Pack' Sandals

It's the 90's accessory that no one wants to admit to loving... the fanny pack.

Now it's making a comeback, in a modified form.  Nike has unveiled the ultimate summer foot wear storage love child, the Fanny Pack sandal.

Yes you read that right!?!

Wearing swim trunks with no pockets? Don’t want to lug a bag around? Nike's Fanny pack slides to the rescue!

These are just an edition of its classic Benassi slides—a.k.a. slides that feature small zippered pouches attached to the straps.

The versatile sandals are available in a variety of color combinations—including lime green and turquoise, black and pink, and the standard all black—and are already being praised by fans of the update.

See more about what is sure to be the summer's biggest fad foot wear below

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