A Milwaukee neighborhood is one of the best places to drink in the country!

My boss sent me this article from Thrillist.com and it brought me SO. MUCH. JOY.

When I first moved here, his wonderful fiance was our realtor, and she asked what we would like in a neighborhood. I told her how Milwaukee reminds me so much of Buffalo (my hometown), and how I would love to live in a place similar to wear I lived there, which was Allentown. Think hipster meets brewmaster meets late night bad for you food that's delicious.... and that's Allentown.

She ended up helping us find a place in Bay View, and right away it reminded me of my beloved Allentown which it's character and charm. The tattoo parlors, little shops, and quirky places to eat pulled at my Buffalove heart strings.

Fast forward, to this article on the Best Places to Drink in America. Who is at the top of the list? Allentown (Buffalo), NY! Ok, so it's in alphabetical order, but still! Pretty cool to see!

I then scrolled down and what other neighborhood is on there? If you guessed Bay View, then GOLD STARS FOR YOU MY FRAND.

So there you have it... Buffalo and Milwaukee are even more alike now, with all of us blue collar folk who like to drink and go to local hang outs. 

Now, we just have to work on you Milwaukeans saying soda, and convert you to pop once and for all!

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