SOLVED: Age old missing sock in wash mystery

You know it's happened to you.  You put socks in the wash as a pair, and one goes missing? How? Where?

But one woman seems to have found the secret space where all those socks disappear.

The revelation caused people to immediately respond to the incredible discovery.

This reveleation was first posted complete with photos, on Bored Panda last year. 

Sarah's husband first made the discovery when he took a panel off the front of the machine and discovered misplaced articles of clothing clogged inside.

As of Thursday morning, the image has garnered more than 74,000 likes on Twitter and been retweeted nearly 30,000 times.

Experts told say that this can be a problem with older washing machines. Newer models are better built with no space for things to fall through the cracks.

Work taking a look for all those missing socks.  

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