Get ready for fun in the sun with this kit!

I remember when I was 14, I cried to my mom about how I hated how Irish pastey I was.... I glowed like a ghost on Halloween, that's how pale I was. My mom finally gave in when I told her how all of my girlfriends were going to the tanning salon, and she took me to buy my first tanning package. I loved the warmth of laying in that bed between 10 and 15 minutes, and of course I was all about the amazing color I was getting too.

I became addicted to it, and eventually when I was old enough, I got a job at a local tanning salon. When I tell you that I went at least 6 days out of the week, that's not a lie. I would go before or after my shift, and make special trips on my days off. I would plan my entire day around going... that's how addicted I was. Also, keep in mind.... this was the "Jersey Shore" era, so I had that look going (minus the poof).

Fast forward to when I had to quit my tanning salon job so I could focus more on my radio career. I wasn't making a lot of money (a common misconception about radio), so I couldn't afford packages with the big expensive tanning beds I was used to going in for free as an employee anymore. I slowly but surely cut myself off, which was also easier since up and comer (at the time) Katy Perry was getting popular... and that girl's skin GLOWS (in the most gorgeous way ever). I noticed some things changing with my skin too. I had some spots that just didn't look right, so I finally made myself see a dermatologist.

When I went in, I was terrified because my primary doctor had clued me in ahead of time on some of those spots I was concerned about, and she agreed that they didn't look good at all. The dermatologist dug two off and stitched me up, and tested them to see if they were indeed skin cancer. Let me tell you... those were the longest 2 days of my life sitting back and waiting for a call (especially since my Grandmother had cancerous spots removed on her face twice in the past). They eventually did get a hold of me, and said that I didn't have anything to worry about with those 2 spots, but to be EXTRA careful when I went outside since skin cancer does run in my family.

Long story long, I decided to really start taking my skin care regimes and protection seriously. Everything I buy now for my face (make up wise) has at least SPF 25 in it, and I always carry a small bottle of sunscreen with me (Rodan & Fields is my go to, and I also use an organic baby kind that has a very high SPF). I'm also a huge fan of spray tans (the light one though so I don't go back to that glowing Snooki look) and at home products (again, the Rodan & Fields tanning foam is my favorite for my face and lasts forever, and I use Jergens on my body which is cheap and works great! I've found that the Jergens face lotion gives me great color, but it made me break out... I have super sensitive skin though.). I just bought this sunless product for my face from St. Tropez at, so I'll let you know how that is too once I start using it next week!

This kit popped up last year from Sephora, and when I went to purchase it, it was sold out! As soon as I saw it pop up in my email this year, I jumped on it! It comes with so many amazing products, and it's only $36 ($161 value). It's a 16 piece set with one full size, one travel size, and a bunch of bigger samples to try with self tanning products and sun screens (even a mousse which I am pretty excited to try). AND here's something else that I love about it... it helps 2 cancer centers/charities:

"Sephora donates $25 from the sale of each kit to skin cancer research and education. $20 will go to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center ( to help fund a cure. MSK sets the gold standard in research and care. $5 will go to The Skin Cancer Foundation ( (up to $200,000), the leading organization for public and professional education of skin cancer prevention, detection, and treatment."

For the record, I am NOT paid by any of the companies mentioned in this blog. I've honestly found a true passion for speaking out on skin cancer safety after my scare, and finding out that so many other people don't take care of their skin like I didn't in the past. I hope to help others by educating them on protecting themselves and their families.

If you have an awesome go-to sun protection product or self tanning product, let me know about it! You can email me at ... I would love to try it out!!! 

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